Boost C++ Libraries


Class template basic_settings

boost::log::basic_settings — The class represents settings container.


// In header: <boost/log/utility/init/from_settings.hpp>

template<typename CharT> 
class basic_settings {
  // types
  typedef CharT                                    char_type;        // Character type. 
  typedef std::basic_string< char_type >           string_type;      // String type. 
  typedef std::map< string_type, any >             parameters_type;  // The type of the map of parameters and their names. 
  typedef std::map< string_type, parameters_type > sections_type;    // The type of the map of sections. 

  // public member functions
  bool empty() const;
  implementation_defined operator[](string_type const &);
  implementation_defined operator[](string_type const &) const;
  sections_type const & sections() const;
  sections_type & sections();
  bool has_section(string_type const &) const;
  bool has_parameter(string_type const &, string_type const &) const;


All settings are presented as a number of named parameters divided into named sections. There is only one layer of sections (i.e. there are no subsections), and all parameters reside in sections (i.e. no top-level parameters). The parameters may have any type compatible with boost::any, which is used to store parameters. Individual parameters may be queried via subscript operators, like this:

any param = settings["Section1"]["Param1"]; // reads parameter "Param1" in section "Section1" // returns empty value if no such parameter exists settings["Section2"]["Param2"] = 10; // sets the parameter "Param2" in section "Section2" to value 10 (of type int)

There are also other methods to work with parameters.

basic_settings public member functions

  1. bool empty() const;

    Checks if the container is empty (i.e. contains no sections and parameters).

  2. implementation_defined operator[](string_type const & section_name);

    Accessor to a single parameter. This operator should be used in conjunction with the subsequent subscript operator that designates the parameter name.


    The name of the section in which the parameter resides


    An unspecified reference type that can be used for parameter name specifying

  3. implementation_defined operator[](string_type const & section_name) const;

    Accessor to a single parameter. This operator should be used in conjunction with the subsequent subscript operator that designates the parameter name.


    The name of the section in which the parameter resides


    An unspecified reference type that can be used for parameter name specifying

  4. sections_type const & sections() const;

    Accessor for the map of sections

  5. sections_type & sections();

    Accessor for the map of sections

  6. bool has_section(string_type const & section_name) const;

    Checks if the specified section is present in the container.


    The name of the section

  7. bool has_parameter(string_type const & section_name, 
                       string_type const & param_name) const;

    Checks if the specified parameter is present in the container.


    The name of the parameter


    The name of the section in which the parameter resides
